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Jared Liechty

Marriage and Relationship Coach

Jared Liechty is a Marriage and Family Relationships Coach who helps couples resolve marital problems and enrich their marriage. As a husband and father of 4, Jared knows of the many struggles and challenges marriage and family life can bring. He has been married for 13 years and has a time tested and proven program that will help couples who desire a happier marriage and stronger family bonds.


After working with Jared, couples find that they have the communication skills that will help them to better solve problems in life. They are also given the tools to know how to deal with resentment and disappointments. Jared helps couples and families enrich their relationships by focusing on the individual and he helps them to shift their perception of themselves, which so often is fear based.


This program teaches them how to step out of fear and into love and trust. Jared assists his clients in recognizing their strengths so that they are better equipped to step into their roles within their homes and to strengthen their family. His ultimate goal is to teach and provide tools that can create lasting changes for marriages and families.

Greensboro, North Carolina







FIRST - Set up one introductory appointment with a Coach and give coaching a try. See if you like it and the Claritypoint approach.

If you like it, you have a couple options:

Small Group Coaching - These groups have 4-6 women or men. The sessions are done by conference call, every other week for six months. (So you can do the program from the comfort of your home.)You spend 1.5-2 hours with your coach learning the material, having discussions and experiences together as a group. You also have daily homework in between sessions. This consists of a small reading assignment and some journal writing.  Many people love the group format because they learn so much from each other and make some great friends.  This is the most inexpensive way to experience coaching.

Executive Life Coaching - You can work with a coach one on one, meeting weekly to experience the Claritypoint process in it's most life changing format.  You will gain rock-solid self-esteem, communication and relationship skills, time management, motivation repair, and cure your fear of failure forever. This process will be customized to fit your specific needs and schedule. 


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