
Seeing life accurately makes all the difference

Become a Claritypoint Personal Coach - with our amazing, time-tested programs!
Our next Certification starts soon
Spots are going fast so register today - Call Tiffany 801-201-8315

We train and certify personal, life, and executive coaches, therapists and social workers to use our time-tested, proven, revolutionary, psychology and science based CPC coaching programs, which changes lives, families, relationships, self-esteem, and mindset.
This process works because it’s easy and anyone can learn it and make profound changes in the way they see themselves, other people and their life. Happiness in life truly comes from a clear, positive perspective. We teach clients how to clear away the fog of fear (which makes life harder) and start living their lives in trust, love, and clarity. With a clear mind you experience mental wellness and can handle the challenges of life so much better.
If you aren’t familiar with founder Coach Kim Giles and haven’t read her articles or her book Choosing Clarity: The Path to Fearlessness, you might not yet understand why this amazingprogram works so well. You might want to try it for yourself.
We offer a FREE 30 minute Coaching session so you can experience the magic. What do you have to lose?
If you want to help people:
Improve their marriage or relationships
Become better at parenting
Repair their self-esteem
Overcome their fear of failure and build confidence
Gain skills to handle loss, grief, difficulties and challengesBecome mentally resilient and socially intelligentLearn time-management skillsLearn to make good decisions faster
Change core subconscious beliefs
Once you’ve completed our course you’ll be a Certified ClarityPoint Coach (CPC). You’ll be able to help clients change their fundamental beliefs, improve their relationships, gain clarity about who they want to be, and have all the tools they need to navigate life's problems and challenges.

Click here to learn
Coach Certification Level 1 Program
The course takes about 4-5 months to complete.
The cost is $5000.
You will receive:
20 small class training sessions with Master Coach Kim Giles – in group by conference call - each call is 90 minutes either over a lunchtime or an evening.
Training covers:
-1 Intro Session
-4 Assessment Training Classes
-12 Classes on facilitating the 90 day program
-4 Coach Skills and Marketing Classes
You also get:
Individual access to the instructor for additional help
Personal support with your marketing to get clients
24/7 Access to recorded training sessions.
Free Lifelong Coach Training Calls every month -
No one else offers this! -
An Assessment Interpretation Guide
A Coaching The Process Guide
A Copy of Kim’s book
A Beautiful Certificate for framing – after certification
Your own page on corporate website and assessment link for marketing.
A Certified Practitioner logo to use on emails etc.
You can then market yourself and charge your clients anywhere from 1k-5k for the 90 day program.
You will pay the company $75 - 150. for each client you coach (for their custom materials and the right to use the system.)
We also have clients that we can refer to you on occasion. If you want to split the commission you can take some of those for 70% of the fee (whatever that is). Some coaches are busy with their own clients and don’t want these, others don’t like to market themselves and love these.
The Certification Process gives you everything you need to build a successful business.
"The process of going through the Clarity Point coaching program with Kim has been inspiring and life changing for me. I have felt my subconscious fear programming decrease and my ability to change my state of being from a place of fear to love greatly increase as I have worked through the processes given in each step of this program. It is a positive confirmation to me that my close family members have noticed a big change in me since beginning this amazing education. It is very rewarding to know that I will be able to move forward empowered with the tools to live a thriving and love filled life and to be able to teach the people I coach to do the same!"
- MM
"Clarity Life Coach Training is an amazing program. It not only teaches you the skills to better yourself but in turn it fully prepares you to teach these skills to other individuals. What’s great about this program is the fact it is an actual program you take individuals through and teach them step by step concepts that build on each other each week. Kim is great at what she does and has truly found her life calling. She is dedicated to the program and spends the time explaining and making sure you understand each of the concepts. In the end, Claritypoint does everything to set you up for success. If you feel you are being guided in this direction, take advantage of this opportunity being given to you. You won’t regret any of it. "
- Sarah Simons
"The Clarity Point Program will change your life! With the help of Kim, I was able to unravel deep seeded beliefs that were destroying important relationships in my life and deteriorating my self confidence. This program is designed to teach, motivate and inspire change from within. Kim is a master coach that asks perceptive questions and encourages personal growth. The journey this program will take you on is priceless! "
-Shanna Swayne
"Words can't express the gratitude I feel for Kim Giles and her ClarityPoint Coach Training! Kim is a remarkable woman with a heart of gold! I had learned much from my life experiences and really wanted to help others find the joy that I have found but I didn't know how.
With the expertise and assistance from Kim and ClarityPoint Coach Training I'm fully prepared! Kim has amazingly developed a program that helps us change our thought processes in a very simple way. The powerful tools and formulas she's given work like magic, as long as we use them! With ClarityPoint training, I am equipped to coach others and help them eliminate fear, see others and situations accurately, make better choices and build better relationships! With the ClarityPoint System I can help others accomplish in 3 months what took me 25 years to learn and overcome! "
-Linda Grace Cox
“I am thrilled to be embarking on the journey to become a Claritypoint Certified Coach”! I truly believe the platform that Coach Kim has put together is Divinely inspired – I have experienced the impact of the coaching material myself, and can testify to it’s immediate influence on my energy, enthusiasm and overall outlook in life. I know as I dig deeper into the material and implement new practices into my daily habits, that I will evolve to be fearless and unstoppable. I look forward to helping others manifest hope, joy and fearlessness in their lives as well!”
-Toni Mund
"Kimberly believes and lives what she teaches. She explains the ClarityPoint principles in a clear, understandable way and provides motivation for internal introspection. Kim is an expert trainer and marvelous CEO. Claritypoint Coach Training is absolutely life-changing!"
- Julie Stringer
"Kim Giles has created this program over many years of coaching in the trenches. She knows what challenges new coaches will face and has cut the learning curve dramatically. The Clarity Point Coach Certification Program helped me improve every aspect of my life. It also provided me with a fabulous career as a Certified Life Coach. After my clients complete the 90-day Clarity Point transformation program, they have learned solid strategies to create a life with no limits. They will have mastered the fear that had previously held them hostage for too many years. They know how to trust their gut and make decisions with confidence. Many of my executive clients wanted career help and were amazed at the carry over this program gave them in all their personal relationships. This program is amazing and I am so grateful for the path it has placed me on."
-Shauna Jensen
"I began this this process being trained as a coach because my sister was being coached and I wanted to learn how to help people like my sister was being helped. I have thought I might enjoy doing something like this and I was excited that a I had found a wonderful program. My life seemed to open up and I even had the money to do this so I felt like it was a perfect opportunity. It was, but for a very different reason than I had originally thought. It did not take long for me to see that I was the one who needed this and that perhaps everything had worked together for my education and benefit more than anything. Going through this process I learned so much, I can see the real genuine me again, not just a picture of a person I thought I was supposed to be and I really like me. Life became a safe place again. I am enough and I have so much to give just by being me. My life has value just as it is, and it is wonderful to know that. Now I can move forward with clarity and reach for my true potential. I would recommend this program to anyone. Thank you Coach Kim for all you have done to put this program together and help others. I have gained so much and I am very excited to be able to share my story with others!! This has changed me in ways I did not even know were possible. Thank you Kim!!"
- Tara Reynolds
What Makes Claritypoint Different?
Other programs teach you how to coach, but not what to coach.
Claritypoint Coaching Academy teaches you how to coach an amazing time-tested, proven, science and psychology based coaching process. A curriculum that creates mental health, self-esteem and good relationships – and every client will get life changing results.
This program is a revolutionary breakthrough program in human development that works. We can’t stress enough how powerful it is to have a structured program this good in your back pocket.
Other benefits:
Fully certified in under 6 months (meeting once a week by phone)
Small class size for more individual help
Lifelong Ongoing training forever
Access to top coaches to answer text or email questions and get advice
Belong to a community of like-minded professionals for support and encouragement
Science based tools like a HVP assessment tool to measure your clients thinking on the subconscious level. You will learn how to use this amazing tool with your clients.
Marketing Education so you can actually get clients
Help to become a speaker, author, or corporate trainer too.
How much easier would it be to market yourself as a coach, if you had a world class, proven program to offer your clients?
Claritypoint Coaching gives you all the tools, skills and guidance you need to help clients make real lasting changes in their lives. It is a perfect addition to other specialties like health, career, or financial coaching. The program fits in with whatever else you want to offer.

Why mental health professionals are becoming certified to coach:
It opens up another stream of income using the skills you already have.
It can be more profitable because you don’t deal with insurance. Coaches get $100-$200+ an hour and more like $1k an hour for groups.
It’s less draining because you aren’t working with diagnosable disorders. Instead of working with the dysfunctional to get them functional, you are working with the functional to get them to mastery in life. This is rewarding and less stressful.
It’s fun helping clients who are ready and willing to change and want to do the work to get there. Coaching clients who pay cash are highly motivated and make lots of progress.
You can coach from anywhere and even by phone. Want to work from the beach or in the mountains? - No problem.
While no training is required to be a coach, we still recommend getting certified in a time-tested, proven program. It protects you and keeps a finer line between your clinical practice and what you do in coaching.
You must do a couple things to protect your license though. Make sure you always act consistently with your state and national ethical guidelines for your profession - even when working as a coach. In the Claritypoint Coach training we discuss the legal and ethical issues of being both and how to handle them.
Many professionals still maintain a clinical practice and a coaching business at the same time, though they must keep the boundary lines clearly defined. We will show you how and give you suggestions for making both work. For example you must define upfront which hat you are wearing with each person. Either do therapy or take them through the coaching program. Using a structured coaching program protects you from accidentally crossing over into therapy.
Being a mental health practitioner will set you apart from other coaches and make your business grow faster. People know you are already good at confidentiality, ethical practices and are a good listener. They also know you have more training than most other coaches.
We would be happy to answer any other questions you have. Call Tiffany and set up an appointment to chat with Master Coach Kim Giles
Our Marketing Training Includes:
We help you find the right niche and audience to market to this includes defining your unique selling point, your target market and their unique problems and challenges.
We help you find the google keywords that work best with that niche based on what they search for.
We help you define your positioning statement and elevator speech.
We help you write a professional bio to use on our website, noomii.com and your own materials.
We help you create a marketing language bank so your message will be consistent on social media, etc.
We teach you how to fill your pipeline and take interested people from a free 20 minute consultation to a full paid coaching package.
We teach you networking skills and how to find networking events to build your business.
We teach you how to create and use webinars and seminars to fill your pipeline.
We cover social media, blogging, content marketing, newsletters and other marketing techniques.
We feature you on our podcast and help you use pobcasts and videos to establish yourself as an expert in your niche.
We provide training on speaking to groups.
We provide lifelong coach training on the first Thursday of every month for free.