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Colleen Cook

Infinite Worth Life Coach
Do you know your real value?
That is the question Colleen Cook asked herself over 15 years ago when her journey began to find her value. In that journey she not only found her true value, she found balance, peace, and joy too. Colleen also discovered she has a gift for helping others discover their value and gain the tools and skills they need to improve their lives and relationships.
Colleen has been a teenage wife and mother, a divorced single mom, a college student at the age of 40, and she has survived some unhealthy relationships, and worked as a social worker for child and family services for 11 years. 
All of these experiences have given her the wisdom and insight to help YOU get through whatever challenges you are facing.  
Come let Colleen help you discover your infinite worth.  



SLC, Utah

(phone or skype too)


I met Colleen during my tumultuous teen years.  During this time, I felt I was wise beyond my years and knew everything. I didn’t like being told what to do and challenged those who had the audacity to try and offer me advice or counsel me in any way.  She was able to connect with me in a way where I did not feel judged or like I was being lectured to.  She valued and listened to what I had to say and helped me approach my problems in a productive way.  Colleen has not only been someone I have turned to for advice as I have matured, she has been my trusted friend for over 15years.

Carlie Falk, 


The first day that I met Colleen Cook I knew there was something special about her.  I have watched her face challenges and difficulties in her life that would have turned an average person into a very negative and cynical woman but Colleen is far from average.  The adversities Colleen faced made her only more determined to look for and find the good.  I believe that she has some very special gifts that she is so willing to share.  She has a deep rooted belief system that brings out positive thoughts and feelings in others.  With years of experience helping others in a variety of ways, including social work where Colleen became the victims advocate.  Countless families have been fortunate to have had her as their case worker.  She has this amazing sense to love even the most down trodden.  I am so happy that she is going to share her wealth of knowledge and love of life with others, as a life coach.  I know that Colleen can make a difference in your life.  Let her share with you her tools and secrets that will give you confidence and that will help you see your worth.  

Laural Martindale, 


Colleen  Cook is one of most thoughtful and inspiring women I know.

She raised her 4 children as a single mom and every one of them are raising successf families too.  Colleen has had a deep impact on my life because of one of her daughters. Her daughter looks for the good in people, Loves her little family unconditionally, supports her husband when he's away, finds ways to helps others and she stands strong in her beliefs especially in God and country.

Where do you think she learned all this? Her mother.

Colleen impacts me in these ways too, after a visit I feel like she really listens to me as well as giving me some positive feedback, like telling me she is proud of me and where to look for answers to difficult life questions, her suggestions are not always easy but worth it. Colleen is a life coach for life.

Diane Mohr



Colleen and I have been friends since we were young teenagers and have

been through hundreds of life's events together.  She is always

encouraging and I trust her advice in everything.  In February of 1998 my

husband and I went on a 10-day vacation with his family in a motor home.

Colleen kept and cared for my 2 youngest children.  On the way home we

were in a horrific automobile accident and only 4 of the 10 passengers

survived.  My husband and I were 2 of the 4.  I was hospitalized for 2

months.  Colleen continued to keep my children and brought them to the

hospital in California.  She helped them through so many things.  She was

a great support and comfort to my children and myself as well.  It was

very comforting to me to know that they were in the care of someone I knew

would love them unconditionally. Colleen worked for Family Services for several years while I was the Clerk of the Court in 7th District.  I clerked many cases where she attended with clients to their Court hearings. She was always compassionate and caring.  She can always find the good in any circumstance.  She looks for a way to help people set goals and achieve their best. She will be a

wonderful life coach and anyone she helps will benefit.

Tricia Atwood 

Colleen has a very unique way of making you feel that you are the most important person in her life when she is talking to you.  I have gone to her several times in my life for advice, during those times she has  always had a way of helping me to look inside myself for the answers I need.  I have also turned to Colleen during some dark times in my life I have never felt judged by her, in fact, those are the times I have felt the most loved by her.  Colleen truly loves unconditionally!!

Trish Anderson


My name is B. Timothy and I live in Anchorage Alaska.  I knew Colleen years ago when I lived in Utah, my wife and I were friends with her and her Husband. Now after many years we have renewed our friendship and I am amazed at the women she has become.  We have both experienced sad and unfortunate divorces. These are bitter tragedies for a multitude of reasons but mainly because relationship trauma creates deep wounds within us and our families and are representative of broken hearts, dreams and promises.  The woman that has emerged from the ashes is truly remarkable.


She successfully finished raising her two youngest children as a single parent, while going to college.   Through this difficult time, she had to navigate her own course toward healing from her personal wounding, relying on good counseling and spiritual guidance. As a result, all four of her children live successful and happy lives.          


You might say I am biased toward her because I Love Colleen with all my heart, we have carried on a romance over the phone now for over a year (I’m sure glad that long distance phone charges are a thing of the past!!!) and are engaged to be married. We are “eternal sweethearts” and are preparing for a fall wedding. I will attempt to speak as candidly as I can without bias. 


As you can imagine a yearlong phone romance is a difficult thing, but it separates those with just casual interests from those who are seriously committed.  The thing that has kept me seriously committed to Colleen is her spiritual and intellectual caliber. I have never met any woman like her. I carried with me much baggage and had relational, spiritual, and emotional trauma from past experiences that had not totally healed. I was stalled out in life and was finding it difficult to move forward. Colleen encouraged me and helped me with an understanding that has proven to be invaluable.  She motivated me to get moving in the right direction, to fight off discouragement and overcome compulsive addictive behavior.    


Colleen has a bachelor’s Degree in psychology which has helped her establish an amazing comprehension of why we as humans do the things we do.  She is also preparing to further her education by pursuing a master’s degree.  Her secular knowledge coupled together with her belief in God and his plan for us to reach our eternal potential is a powerful combination.  This perception of who we are in relation to God enables her to see the human family as eternal spirit entities (sons and daughters of God) going through a mortal experience.


Colleen has an intuition that is best described as a gift which some may classify as empathy, but I know from personal experience with her that it goes much deeper than that.   She has the ability to detect emotions lying beneath the surface, unspoken needs, or wounding in a person without any fore knowledge of it.  She also has shared with me experiences that has stirred deep emotions within her, where she has seen and felt the beauty within the soul of individuals with special needs. I have been touched by the compassion and charity she has for all people. 


She has been a state employee, working for the Division of Child Services where she became familiar with a pattern of wounding and trauma in the lives of parents and witnessed how that was transferred from generation to generation.  Because of the love she has for others she was able to offer empathy and compassion to both the victims and the perpetrators of domestic and social problems. 


I truly feel that all these life experiences she has gone through profoundly qualifies her to assist and coach others who are stuck or stalled out on life’s journey. 


Sincerely, B. Timothy




FIRST - Set up one introductory appointment with a Coach and give coaching a try. See if you like it and the Claritypoint approach.

If you like it, you have a couple options:

Small Group Coaching - These groups have 4-6 women or men. The sessions are done by conference call, every other week for six months. (So you can do the program from the comfort of your home.)You spend 1.5-2 hours with your coach learning the material, having discussions and experiences together as a group. You also have daily homework in between sessions. This consists of a small reading assignment and some journal writing.  Many people love the group format because they learn so much from each other and make some great friends.  This is the most inexpensive way to experience coaching.

Executive Life Coaching - You can work with a coach one on one, meeting weekly to experience the Claritypoint process in it's most life changing format.  You will gain rock-solid self-esteem, communication and relationship skills, time management, motivation repair, and cure your fear of failure forever. This process will be customized to fit your specific needs and schedule. 


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